Shadow under the Mountain | Devlog #7

So, hello again, I’m here with some updates. I will talk about some new art and the first Boss.

As you may see now, I changed my player character. I started experimenting with art for the game, because I want my open demo to be graphically completed.

I also made these little fireflies. I added shadows, and made some methods to represent houses. When the player is not in a specific zone, he will see only the roof, and when he near the door or inside – he will see what’s inside the house.

As I said, I made the first Boss. Mechanically, he is pretty simple. He’s just a big standard enemy, with some delay before attack, faster attacks, more health and damage. But when he crashes into a building, he destroys it. In place of the building appears a chest, the Boss falls on the ground, and a ditch appears around him. You can’t traverse it, but you can throw knives over it. And there are always knives in chests which appear from buildings. And also, when boss falls, he spawns two standard enemies.

And that’s it. In future I plan to start working on music and various sounds, and to continue working on art. And, I have to mention this: all the new art was made by my talented younger sister.

Good bye, until next update.

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